For more than five decades, James E. Hughes, Jr. has been the leading voice and pioneer for a more enlightened, expansive approach to assisting families around the world to flourish and see their wealth as well-being and enable their family offices and their qualitative and quantitative advisors to better help them. His legacy is the knowledge he has imparted to the individuals who are called to serve and advise families through numerous published books, as well as more informal Reflections written throughout his career. The below is a searchable database of these Reflections as well of other pieces, made available for advisors and families focused on generational well-being.
Podcast on the Wisdom of the Tribe with Joe Reilly
Joe Reilly with The Inheritance Project interviews Jay about the Wisdom of the Tribe.
Jay Hughes on the role of elders in flourishing families
This podcast originated on Crafting Solutions to Conflict website by Jane Beddall PODCAST: The...
Hidden Gem #7 – Helping Families Create a Positively Attractive Environment
Dear Friends, This is one of my favorite times of the year and I am honored and excited to share...
Hidden Gem #6 – Economic Possibilities for your Grandchildren (written in 1930)
Economic Possibilities for your Grandchildren, by John Maynard Keynes (1930) I am excited to share...
Angelo’s 90 Minute Conversation with Jay Hughes
FOXCast CEO Series: Rediscovering the Meaning of Wealth – as Wellbeing with Jay Hughes
I am sure you have heard frequent references to “the five forms of family capital” - a term Jay...
The Five Capitals: Wealth as Well-Being
THE FIVE CAPITALS: WEALTH AS WELL-BEING James (Jay) E. Hughes believes families should exist to...
In Conversation with Jay Hughes: Family Enterprise Canada podcast by Ruth Steverlynk
Ruth Steverlynck sits down with industry giant James E. Hughes, author of several seminal works in...
Hidden Gem #5 – Hyperagency and High-Tech Donors
Hyperagency and High-Tech Donors: A New Theory of Today’s New Philanthropists PAUL G. SCHERVISH*...
Podcast with Jay and Bogumil Baranowski
Hosted by author, investor, TEDx speaker, and founding partner of Sicart Associates, Bogumil...

For a complete catalogue of the books that Jay has authored, co-authored and contributed to (including foreign editions), please visit